♥Oh V05 Moisture Milks Conditioner, how we love you so;
You only cost me one dollar, which is not a lot of dough;
♥And sometimes like in March, we get you for two quarters;
This why we cannot change from being your supporters;
♥We use half a bottle in the shower, and detangle with care;
Then add you to our spritz bottle, to shower the ringlets in our hair;
♥And Passion Fruit Smoothie, smells so ridiculously good;
if you don't have a bottle, we hopefully wish you would;
♥A dollar wont break you, just give it a try;
It's not like buying salon brands that you if you don't like, your wallet will cry;
♥And if it doesn't work for you, I'm sorry -but no need to fuss;
We'll drop you our address, you can send it to us ♥