Trader Joes Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner
Size- 16 ounces
Scent: Peppermint
This conditioner is creamy, not too thick and as a peppermint lover I think it smells great. It had good slip and left my hair soft and moisturized. I thought it really performed admirably but I read so many rave review previously I was kind of disappointed. Compared to my beloved VO5, I thought it was slightly more moisturizing with a little more slip.
I conclude that if you have $4 to spend on conditioner this is fine. I would opt to add a couple tablespoons of olive or coconut oil to VO5 for a similar result for $0.99.
I give it four out of five Knaps.
i'm always looking for a great condish--may have to try this one out--thnx for the tip!
This is the only conditioner I use, and add some olive oil and I leave in it as a leave in too. The thing I love most about it is its all natural. And tea tree is a natural antiseptic tool for fighting dandruff.
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