I am not a fan of Oprah Winfrey's show.
I watched the show in its entirety on YouTube. I found it to be a shallow discussion of African-American womens' hair issues but a comprehensive discussion of women hair issues.
I thought that Oprah really glossed over the idea that we should have a choice when it comes to our hair. I thought that would have been the crux of the show.
Chris Rock made an informative and entertaining documentary, once one is informed they can make a choice. I felt the show was (characteristically) watered down and tailored to appeal to the masses.
I look forward to seeing the documentary Good Hair. :)
I didn't watch it since I'm living in the UK.
"thoght that Oprah really glossed over the idea that we should have a choice when it comes to our hair."
what do you mean?
She tried to make the show very mainstream. She didn't discuss the media and the societal role in making women of color feel like their hair should be straight to be acceptable.She only made limited comments about the fact that we should have a choice. One needs to be informed to make a choice. No one addressed the amount of ignorance that leads to many womens decision making.
i couldn't find the vids on youtube :-(
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