It was my distinct pleasure to interview, be serenaded by and receive a hand massage from Will Williams, Director of Education-M&M products.
Mr. Williams spoke enthusiastically about the light molecular weight of the SofN'Free Gro Healthy products. He demonstrated their ability to quickly absorb by massaging it into the hand of myself and Amber of Expressive Beauty.
When I asked if the GroHealthy line was a "bandwagon" item from M&M products for naturals. He endorsed the quality of the products saying the SofnFree is and was well known for their relaxer and "curl" products but that GroHealthy, "is not your grandma's Sofn'Free."
The SofnFree Grow Healthy line includes:Daily Growth Lotion, Strengthening Creme, Leave-In Treatment, Three Layer Growth Oil & Really Deep Conditioning Treatment and two relaxers Regular and Super (not shown @ Fro Fashion Week).
According to the charming spokesperson all the GroHealthy products are formulated with 3 different molecular weights so that they can penetrate the hair at every level. They include milk protein, olive oil and a non-fish based omega-3 oil. The products are ionically charged to aid in the repair of excessive hair porosity.
I will review the entire line in the future, possibly only because Will Williams is so entertaining. :)
Will Williams singing, "Thin Line Between Nappy and Straight".
Excuse me but are you peddling relaxers? Because seriously I will stop reading this blog if you are. I don't care how moisturising or absorbent it is. A relaxer is a relaxer and there is no excuse for one.
@Sugabelly I am not selling relaxers. I was unaware the line contained relaxers until after the interview. I also am not against people relaxing their own adult hair. I advocate hair health and education.
Got your message. Okay, good to know.
I have heard a lot about the "new" SofnFree and I am anxious to see what it is all about, looking forward to your review
I have been using the Strengthening cream for a handful of months and I love it. I was surprised how moisturizing it was. My mom tried it and she loves it too. It is a staple. And it smells good too!
Ah, we're so happy that you appreciate Will's charm ... and his knowledge of hair care. Thanks for letting us introduce you to Sofn'free and spend some time together at 'Fro Fashion Week. Here's to a happy hair day!
Love Lips , Makes enough for 2 people Put 2 tablespoons of Raw Sugar( Turbinado) in a bowl cover it with the Sofnfree Milk and Olive Triple Layer Oil , stir into a nice consistency. Add I teaspoon of Honey. Wet lips well with warm water then gently scrub. Rinse well warm water. Hopefully your S.O. I hope you know what to do after that KISS
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